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Monogrammed Brick Stories


Submitted by Lee E. Briix

Ernst Eduard Briix arrived in the United States on July 5, 1881. He was from Saxony (now part of Germany) and arrived at Castle Garden Emigrant Landing Depot in New York City on the German ship "Weser."

His wife and children came later. He would eventually settle at Lacey, Oklahoma Territory. His son, George Ernest Briix (born in Mittweida, Saxony on Oct. 25, 1877), married Anna Walker on July 12, 1911. They had three children, Melba Anna, Fred Ernest and Mary Fern. George died on Oct 5, 1915. Fred Ernest Briix married Betty Lee Miller on July 25, 1941. They had three sons, Lee Ernest, John Eugene and Donald Clyde.

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