Writing Out Loud, 2009

“An appealing mystery with a wry perspective.”—Publishers Weekly

William Bernhardt

(1960– )

Bill Bernhardt’s writing niche is the Ben Kincaid mystery/thriller series (1991-2010), featuring the title character as a struggling lawyer who can’t say “no” to an underdog. Though Ben drinks a little too much chocolate milk, he’s no milquetoast and eventually becomes a powerful politician, championing worthy causes from the nation’s capital.

Bill, an attorney himself, has often been asked how closely Ben is based on him. His response: he likes to think he’s a better lawyer than Ben. Bill has also written several stand-alone books, including a poetry collection, and has become a mentor to other writers through his writing workshops and publishing company.

Related listings: Carolyn G. Hart and Tony Hillerman

Did You Know...

William Bernhardt has constructed crossword puzzles for the New York Times.

Getting Started with William Bernhardt

Selected Works

Primary Justice, 1991
The Cody of Buddyhood, 1992
Princess Alice and the Dreadful Dragon, 2007

Find Out More
William Bernhardt’s website