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Professional Development Offerings

Oklahoma History Center Learning and Engagement Department

The Oklahoma History Center’s Learning and Engagement Department offers a variety of presentations for preservice teachers and teacher professional development. Our professional development presentations are designed to be hands-on and participatory.

Not sure what the Oklahoma History Center offers educators? This presentation introduces teachers to the specific resources and programming we offer to educators.

National History Day/OKNHD 101 and 201
Interested in having your students participate in National History Day? This program provides training for teachers who want to participate in the National History Day competition.

Museum/Education Partnerships
The partnerships class provides educators with opportunities to understand the value of local museums to students and to make those connections.

Sensitive Subjects
Not sure how to work with students on the more difficult aspects of our history? This presentation offers concrete suggestions for preparing students to examine hard history in a classroom.

IDM Focus: Incorporating Taking Informed Action into your IDMs
Are you developing inquiry-based lessons? This program offers educators a wide variety of options to incorporate and adapt the Taking Informed Action element of IDM lesson planning.

OHC Resources for Teaching Greenwood and the Tulsa Race Massacre
This presentation provides an overview of the resources the OHC offers educators on Oklahoma State Social Studies Standard OKH5.2.

African American Civil Rights in Oklahoma Before Brown v. Board of Education
This presentation will educate participants about the Civil Rights Movement in Oklahoma, why it developed, and how that movement influences the national movement after the landmark Brown v. Board of Education decision in 1954.

Latino History in Oklahoma
The history of Latinos in Oklahoma has not received the attention it deserves. This presentation focuses on the history of Latino groups in Oklahoma.

How Did We Get to Oklahoma?
Look at Oklahoma history through a different lens! This presentation examines migration through the movement of different groups into Oklahoma.

Farmers and Social Movements during Late Territory/Early Statehood
This presentation will educate participants about farming life in the late 1800s and early 1900s in what would become Oklahoma, the concerns of farmers, and how they achieved their political goals.

Primary Sources and How to Use Them in Any Classroom
Not sure how to incorporate primary sources for students? This presentation offers guidance on incorporating primary sources into lessons for any grade level.

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