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Historic Preservation Laws and Statutes
NOTE: All links are the most recent updates as of 1/1/2021
Laws Applicable to the SHPO
- National Historic Preservation Act of 1966
- Antiquities Act
- National Park Service Organic Act
- Historic Sites Act
- Federal Property and Administrative Services Act
- Archeological and Historic Preservation Act
- Departy of Transportation Act
- Public Buildings Cooperative Use Act
- Archeological Resources Protection Act
- Abandoned Shipwreck Act
- Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act
- Intermodal Surface Transportation Act Scenic Byways Program & Design Criteria for National Highway System, and Scenic and Historic Values
- American Battlefield Protection Act
- National Maritime Heritage Act
- Save America's Treasures
- Preserve America
- National Women's Rights History Project
- Title 21, Chapter 47, Section 1167: Punishment for Destruction or Removal of Tomb, Gravestone or Other Cemetery Ornament
- Title 21, Chapter 47, Section 1168.4: Duty to Report Discovered Remains
- Title 21, Chapter 47, Section 1168.7: Government Agencies' Discovery of Remains - Duties
Code of Federal Regulations
NOTE: All links below are PDFs and require Adobe Reader which can be downloaded for free at https://get.adobe.com/reader/.
- 23 CFR Part 771: Envrionmental Impact and Related Procedures for the Department of Transporation
- 26 CFR Part 1.48-12: Income Tax: Investment Tax Credit for Qualified Rehabilitation Expenditures
- 26 CFR Part 1.170a-14: Income Tax: Qualified Conservation Contributions
- 36 CFR Part 60 - National Register of Historic Places
- 36 CFR Part 61 - Procedures for State, Tribal, and Local Government Historic Preservation Program
- 36 CFR Part 63 - Determinations of Eligibility for Inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places
- 36 CFR Part 65 - National Historic Landmarks Program
- 36 CFR Part 67 - Historic Preservation Tax Incentive Certifications
- 36 CFR Part 68 - The Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties
- 36 CFR Part 73 - World Heritage Convention
- 36 CFR Part 78 - Waiver of Federal Agency Responsibilities under Section 110 of the National Historic Preservation Act
- 36 CFR Part 79 - Curation of Federally Owned and Administered Archaeological Collections
- 36 CFR Part 800 - Protection of Historic Properties - Advisory Council on Historic Preservation
- 40 CFR Part 1500-1517 - Council on Environmental Quality
- 41 CFR Part 101-17 - Assignment and Utilization of Space; General Services Administration
- Management of Buildings and Grounds; General Services Administration
- Preservation of American Antiquities
- Protection of Archaeological Resources
- Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation Act