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Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
A geographic information system (GIS) is a helpful tool for managing and analyzing data to assist in communication, reporting, and understanding of geographic places and phenomena. The SHPO uses GIS to assist the review and compliance program (Section 106), the National Register of Historic Places, Tax Credit application analysis, and the Centennial Farm and Ranch program. GIS is also an important tool for education, outreach, and community involvement that can enhance the decision-making of legislators, large landowners, government officials, and community organizations.
The overall purpose of GIS is to allow people to tell their story by using a map based on accurate information. The SHPO strives to create a GIS that is beneficial to all people of Oklahoma, to assist them in telling their story, and give everyone an opportunity to understand the importance of preserving Oklahoma’s past for future generations.
Over the years, several phases of GIS development have occurred at SHPO in an effort to digitize all historic properties listed in the National Register of Historic Places and the properties that have been determined eligible through the Section 106 process. The current iteration of the SHPO map contains feature classes and attributes that clearly define the location, eligibility, and/or NRHP listing. Future endeavors will include mapping of all properties in the Oklahoma Landmark Inventory and creating links to appropriate historic context of each historic site, building, structure, object, and district. As this dataset is still a work in progress, the SHPO encourages you to use the current map links (see side bar or below) or call the appropriate SHPO staff member.
For detailed information, contact Marcus Young at 405-522-2713 or Maps
Main Street and Tax Credits Interactive Map
Interactive NRHP Map (unrestricted locations)
Certified Local Governments (CLG) Maps
City of Anadarko, Static Ward Map
City of Ardmore, GIS Map
City of Enid, GIS and Static Maps
City of Guthrie, GIS Map
City of Muskogee, GIS Map
City of Norman, GIS Maps
City of Oklahoma City, GIS Map
City of Ponca City, Static Zoning Map
City of Sapulpa, GIS Maps
City of Tulsa, GIS Maps
Additional Mapping Resources
Oklahoma Historical Society's Research Division Map Archives
Old Maps Online
USGS Quad Maps for Oklahoma
topoView from the USGS National Geologic Map Database Project
Oklahoma Digital Maps Collections at the Oklahoma State University Library
Historical Soil Survey Maps of Oklahoma from Alabama Maps
OCC Aerial Photo Viewer
ArcGIS StoryMaps
All-Black Towns of Oklahoma: Remembering Safe Havens
Fort Reno Bridge Construction: The Story of the German Prisoner-of-War in Oklahoma
Steamboat Heroine
WBBZ Radio Station, Ponca City