Oklahoma Military Casualties
The Oklahoma War Memorial Collection
DNB: Died non-battleDOW: Died of wounds
DOD: Died of disease
DWC: Died while captive
DWM: Died while missing
FOD: Finding of death
HA: Hostile action
KIA: Killed in action
MIA: Missing in action
OC: Other causes
The Oklahoma War Memorial Collection (2004.001) covers World War I to the Korean War. The collection is based on the efforts to collect information after the approval of the Oklahoma War Memorial in 1955. The bulk of the collection is comprised of information sent to the OHS by family members of soldiers who served during World War II. The information about soldiers who served in World War I and Korea comes mainly from newspaper articles and the US War Department, so there is less detail on those individuals.
Other Sources
In the 1980s the OHS enlisted the assistance of the Oklahoma Department of Veterans Affairs, Mike Mullins of the Vietnam Veterans Association, and students from Francis Tuttle Technology Center to update and make available as complete a list as possible. The information was gathered from various records held by the OHS plus files available from Veterans Affairs.
This is not a complete list of military casualties.