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Oklahoma History Academic Standards

4.4.2 Describe the patterns and networks of economic interdependence among regions of the United States.

The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture

Larkin Warner, "Oklahoma Economy"

Research Center Resources

H. Craig Miner, The Corporation and the Indian: Tribal Sovereignty and Industrial Civilization in Indian Territory, 1865–1907 (Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1976)

Additional Resources

Garret Dash Nelson and Alasdair Rae, "An Economic Geography of the United States: From Commutes to Megaregions," PLoS One, 2016
"United States Economy," Encyclopedia Britannica

A. Identify and locate on a map the major cities of the United States, including their relative location to natural resources and transportation routes.

Oklahoma History Center Education Resources

Steamboat Heroine

The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture

Bill Corbett, "Transportation"
Keith Tolman, "Airports"
Larry O'Dell, "Ferries and Fords"
Dianna Everett, "Highways"
Augustus J. Veenendaal, Jr., "Railroads"
Keith Tolman, "Steamboats and Landings"

Research Center Resources

William P. Corbett, "Oklahoma's Highways: Indian Trails to Urban Expressways." Ph.D. diss., (Oklahoma State University, 1982)
Donovan L. Hofsommer, ed. Railroads in Oklahoma (Oklahoma City: Oklahoma Historical Society, 1977)
Louis C. Hunter, Steamboats on the Western Rivers: An Economic and Technological History (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1949)

Additional Resources

"The United States: Information and Statistics by State," InfoPlease.com
"The U.S. State Capitals – Map Quiz Game," Seterra
"United States Political Map," Free World Maps
"Map of Capitals & Major Cities in the U.S.A." WorldAtlas.com

B. Identify the major economic activities of each region of the United States by comparing how people satisfy their basic needs through the production of goods and services.

Oklahoma History Center Education Resources

Commerce in Oklahoma

History Alive! Living History
1830s Beadwork Artist
Buffalo Hunter
Deputy US Marshal

Traveling Trunks
OkieTales Cowboy

The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture

Gilbert C. Fite, "Farming"
Kenny A. Franks, "Petroleum Industry"

Research Center Resources

Kenny A. Franks, The Osage Oil Boom (Oklahoma City: Oklahoma Heritage Association, 1989)
Kenny A. Franks, The Oklahoma Petroleum Industry (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1980)
Paul Lambert, "Natural Gas: Fuel for the Future," in Drill Bits, Picks, and Shovels: A History of Mineral Resources in Oklahoma, ed. John W. Morris (Oklahoma City: Oklahoma Historical Society, 1982)


Additional Resources

"Northeastern United States Economy," New World Encyclopedia
"Southern United States Economy," New World Encyclopedia

C. Describe the relative location of natural resources, such as fossil fuels, minerals and soils, and their relationship to each region's major economic activities, including agriculture, manufacturing, transportation, energy, and services.

Oklahoma History Center Education Resources

Commerce in Oklahoma

Traveling Trunks
Oil and Gas
Oklahoma Agriculture

The Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History and Culture

Dianna Everett, "Manufacturing"
Ken Anderson, "Natural Gas"
Kenneth S. Johnson, "Mining and Minerals"
Kenny A. Franks, "Petroleum Industry"

Research Center Resources

Kenny A. Franks, The Osage Oil Boom (Oklahoma City: Oklahoma Heritage Association, 1989)
Kenny A. Franks, The Oklahoma Petroleum Industry (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1980)
Paul Lambert, "Natural Gas: Fuel for the Future," in Drill Bits, Picks, and Shovels: A History of Mineral Resources in Oklahoma, ed. John W. Morris (Oklahoma City: Oklahoma Historical Society, 1982)


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